Wednesday, April 11, 2012

how to attract your beloved virgo girl

Love is magical
Love is sweet
Love is blind
But the most special in my mind, love is you...

If you are love someone, I believe you would say the same thing as what I have written above. in this world there are many ways to attract people you love.

Are you fallin' in love with virgo girl????? Do you need some of trics which makes her fascinated??

There are some trics about how to attract your beloved virgo girl...
Please enjoy.... :)

1. Make the first move. Virgo girls are very shy, so be careful not to mistake shyness for her not being interested in you. To start off a relationship with a Virgo, you're going to have to be the one to make the first move, as she's too shy to do it herself. Once she gets to know you, however, her shyness will wear off and she will become confident around you  

2. Be nice be lovable towards her. Be her friend first. Also, know how to compliment a Virgo. Virgo women have a soft spot for more romantic words, and would prefer to be called "beautiful" or "pretty" instead of "hot" or "sexy."

3. Virgos love attractive guys, although they prefer personality to looks any day. It doesn't matter if you're the best-looking guy out there. If you can't be nice or loving, you don't have a chance.

4.Be Yourself. Virgos love truthful guys who aren't afraid to be who they are. Be who you are, and even if they don't like it at first, they'll usually warm up to you.

5. Be patient. Virgos are cautious people, so don't expect kissing and touching - and NEVER ask her for sex on the first date. Don't force her to do anything she doesn't like.

6. Meet her family. Virgos care about their family and loved ones. If you and her family are able to mesh together well, a Virgo woman will be very happy. Also, have her meet YOUR family, and hope for the same thing.

7. Be faithful to her. Virgos are really sensitive and look for a steady partner that will be faithful to her. Virgos are flirty, but once they're in a relationship they are committed and faithful to the person that they're in the relationship with.

8. Boost her confidence. Virgos are self-conscious and low in the confidence department, so it helps to give her compliments every once in a while to remind her of all the good things that you love about her. It will make her feel better about herself and improve your relationship.

9. Compromise. Virgos hate fighting and arguing. Virgo girls will let you do what you want, but will secretly be upset. Compromise with her to keep both of you happy.

10. Listen to her. Listen to her when she tries to talk to you. Usually what they tell you is important. When talking to a Virgo girl, always carry an intelligent conversation.

11. Virgo's HATE dishonest people. They usually consider trust the most important part of relationships, and if you're not truthful with them, you'll never see them again.


1.If you decide you want a Virgo woman, you have to behave like a gentlemen, NOT a "neanderthal." Virgos hate people with controlling personalities, and like Scorpio, they NEVER change to suit anyone!

2.Virgos hate slobs and dirtiness, and won't date men who don't take care of themselves - and their homes.

3.If you are not able to maintain the cleanliness of your own. I have one solution for you, it's better just undo your intentions and forget her, then find another girl who is not a virgo girl!

4.If you're mean, selfish, sloppy, ignorant, rude, or lazy, a Virgo woman is NOT for you.

5.Virgo girl can be very nasty when they're angry.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Love your perfectionist, boy!!

Do you fall in love with virgo boy?? These are some tips to attract him...
Please enjoy ^^

To attract a Virgo man can be difficult as they are not the world's best communicators. They seldom express their emotions even to their closest friends or family. They also like their privacy and don't like to reveal too much of themselves to others and because of this they can be difficult to get to know. And get to know, you'll need to do with a Virgo man. They will need to trust you, respect you and admire you as a friend before they could ever fall in love and commence a romantic relationship with you.

Firstly you'll need to become friends with your Virgo man. To do this you'll need to listen to his strong opinions on everything – and agree with them if possible. And even if you strongly disagree, you'll need to bite your tongue as Virgo men do not like to be wrong or criticised or ridiculed.

If you are in a relationship with a Virgo man, or want to be then you'll need to have a thick skin as they are the world's worst critics. They can be picky, choosy and overly critical of everyone and everything but this is only because they seek perfection, order and neatness.

To attract and keep a Virgo man interested enough to fall in love with you you'll need to be incredibly patient, except criticism and be prepared to offer constant reassurance, support and love to the rather insecure Virgo man.

You'll also need to be damn near perfect to attract a Virgo man. You will need to be classy with high standards and morals. You will need to be well turned out at all times and be in vibrant and robust health.

But all the effort in attracting a Virgo man is so worthwhile, as they are the most loving, faithful and devoted of the entire Zodiac.

Tips on how to attract a Virgo Man and have them fall in love with you
If you have your eye on a Virgo man then try these methods to attract them and get them to fall in love with you.

1 Of all men, Virgo men are the most ill at ease when it comes to expressing their feelings. Emotional expressions and exposing inner feelings are alien to the Virgo man. They can appear cold, distant and aloof at first. It is not that they are unfriendly, it's just that they are very private people and often insecure. To attract a Virgo man you will need to gain his firm friendship, trust and respect before he could consider entering into a romantic relationship with you.

2 Wear something in the colour pink to attract a Virgo man. The colour pink is the colour of love and is absolutely irresistible to a Virgo man. Seeing you wearing this colour will immediately catch their eye and they will see you as loving and want to get to know you. Virgo men are very sensitive to aromas and do not like artificial fragrances. Try wearing perfumes containing natural and pure essential oils of rose, ylang ylang and neroli to attract a Virgo man.

3 An Attraction Spell cast by me will help to attract a Virgo man. If it is written in the stars that your destiny is to be with a Virgo man, than you might try to help destiny along a little. Real Magic uses mysterious, subtle yet tried and tested methods to attract a lover. I can professionally and expertly Spell cast on your behalf.
4. Neat and Orderly
Speaking of discretion, Virgo men love things to be neat and orderly, and this applies particularly to their homes. Leaving dishes in the sink and tossing newspapers onto the coffee table might be perfectly acceptable for Gemini, but Virgos crave order.

This gives them a sense of control in what is, in their eyes, a seemingly random universe. Virgo males, therefore, would prefer a mate that is as tidy and as fastidious as they are. If your Virgo sees that you like to keep everything in its place, he'll be that much more interested in perusing a romantic relationship.

5.Nix Over-the-Top Emotions
Virgo men tend to be very logical; they simply don't understand decisions based in emotions. This is not to say that they don't occasionally listen to those "gut" feelings, but these intuitive emotions don't usually run their lives. Keep in mind that Virgo's intuitive nature shouldn't be confused with his spiritual nature. In fact, Virgos can be quite spiritual, but usually it's only because it "makes sense".

The point is that overly dramatic scenes where you hiss "I'm walking home" as you slam the car door typically don't play well with Virgo. Aries will shout and follow you (the first time); Sagittarius will laugh and walk with you, but Virgo? There's a good chance that Virgo will let you walk home. In other words, when you fight with Virgo, simply suggest that the two of you sit down and "reason" things out; that will get him in the right frame of mind to feel more conciliatory.

6.Employ Humor
Virgo men love people that have a witty, dry sense of humor, so don't be afraid to show yours. They may be a bit shy at first to show theirs, but the odds are very good that they'll appreciate your funny bone. Once they become more comfortable, they'll show more and more of their wry sense of humor.

7.Don't Criticize
By this we mean, don't criticize the Virgo man in question! In fact, it's fine to criticize anything else in the universe, but do not turn that critical eye on him. If you absolutely have to, do it with a a lot of tact. Some of these traits go back to him being rather shy and sensitive, so his feelings can be hurt fairly easily.

Along with this, once hurt, a Virgo tends to withdrawn, not engage. He's very adept at creating distance, so if your phone stops ringing, you'll know why. This of course, puts you in something of a conundrum. Do you just accept everything he says as gospel? No, of course not. Just practice letting him have his way, and try not to change him.

Virgos tend to be almost fanatical about their health. Ever wonder who's on thosd calorie-restriction diets? That's right, Virgo. Even if yours is not as concerned about calories as all that, know that he is not the type to run out and try some exotic food. Instead, he'll be at the gym working off that extra slice of pizza or popping a vitamin supplement to counteract that extra glass of wine at dinner. Attract this man by being equally, if not more, health conscious.
Putting It All Together

Finally, Virgo men do like pets, but they usually prefer small ones that need a minimal amount of grooming and, preferably, are relatively odor-free. This is not a man that enjoys playing in the mud.

In short, follow some of the guidelines mentioned above and*you should be attract Virgo men in no time.
I hope Those tips can help you to get your perfect boy...
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