Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Way to Attract women

Most men are not born with the ability to
attract women
. Although when you look at some guys, it seems that they naturally know how to do so. Or else they took some top-secret class in school on how to attract women.
Attract Women Like This It doesn’t take a fancy car, a fat paycheck, movie star looks, or power to attract women. If you think not having these things are standing in your way, then you are making excuses for yourself. Many men who don’t have any of these things are pulling women by the boatload.

They key to attracting women is to learn what women truly want. In addition, it is equally important to understand what women DON’T want.

I think that most men don’t realize that what they DON’T do is just as important as what they DO. For instance, women are turned off by wimps, by men who are socially inept. They don’t want men who are weak or insecure and who are lazy about how they look. Lastly, if all you are trying to do is impress a girl by showing off - she will see right through it and won't be interested. Here’s some things to avoid if you want to be attractive to women.

Don’t be a slob. You don’t need to look like Brad Pitt, but you better make sure you are not a slob who doesn’t take good care of your body, hygiene, or clothing. This shows that you don’t take care about yourself when you don’t take care of the way you look. It also reflects laziness.

The following are some ways to attract women:

1. Tease her and make her laugh. This counts more than you can believe. If you look at some long-lasting marriages and interview the women, they will tell you that one secret to the longevity of their relationship, is the ability to make each other laugh. If you are fun and she can relax, women will want to be around you.

When you are a fun guy to be around, you are demonstrating that you are confident and relaxed, which is the opposite of supplicating and insecure. You can display this attitude by flirting, gentle teasing and being in touch with your childish side.

2. Develop good conversational skills. Show that you know how to interact with anyone at any time. Learn this skill by practice. When you are confident in any social situation, you are displaying extremely attractive leadership qualities. When you learn these skills, you also demonstrate alpha male traits that will draw women to you naturally. Women want to be with men who take charge and are ooze confidence.

3. Maintain your mystery. If she continues to wonder just how much you like her and exactly how much you are attracted to her, she is going to stick around. If she knows she has you in her back pocket, she will get bored and lose interest. A good way to do this is to tease her. This lets her know that you do not put her up on a pedestal and worship her like some other guys might have in the past.

Let her know you have feelings and emotions, but don’t give it all up and confess your deepest feelings to her. Keep some things to yourself. If you maintain a bit of aloofness, while still acting in a warm manner, her attraction will be sustained.

4. Be confident. Work on your confidence every single day. Pick up a book on body language so the way you sit, stand and move oozes confidence. You will also benefit by this book because you will learn how to read women from across the room. You will be able to tell if she wants you to approach her or if she would rather be left alone right then. It is almost like a secret language that only you understand.

5. Pursue your own interests. If you follow your passions and your hobbies and interests, you automatically become 100 percent more interesting than the guy who done none of this. Doing what you love makes you come alive. Even if the woman has zero interest in chess, your passion about it will be attractive to her. Anyone who has interests is interesting, just like anyone who is bored is boring.

If you take the time to make your own life as interesting and fun as you can, you will naturally be more attractive to women, almost as a side benefit.