Wednesday, December 7, 2011

step to attract

  1. Meet other people by going out in public. This begins before you even leave the house. Are you going to get some coffee at your favorite café? Walk past a full length mirror before you take off. You may like to lounge around in pajamas while at home, but that's not a way to grab someone's attention when you're out and about.
  2. 2
    Become a more self-actualized person. Aside from what you are wearing, always remember that the mind is the largest erogenous zone. Be culturally aware and interesting. Knowing a little bit of most topics. Truly knowing about the things that really interest you will genuinely make you a more interesting person.
  3. 3
    Develop a style. Any style will do, as long as it's your own. Uniqueness is crucial because it is what differentiates you in the sea of "other fish" this person has no doubt been told are out there. If you really like that goofy hat at the vintage clothing store and you think it looks good on you, wear it out. Don't be discouraged if people think you're goofy, chances are you wouldn't even want to meet those people anyways.
  4. 4
    Mirror the other person's actions. This not only shows them that you're flattered with them, it also shows that you are noticing their actions.
  5. 5
    Flirt physically. Casual touches are a great way to gauge the direction of things. If the other person seems comfortable with you touching their hand or brushing their arm, then you have a good litmus for their attraction to you.
    • You may want to start by simple flirting.
  6. 6
    Make eye contact. Look into the other person's eyes whenever talking. The eyes have been called the window to the soul. Admire them. Genuinely appreciate the other person. Just don't stare for too long. Studies have shown that a person generally will gaze into another person's eyes for about 4.5 seconds if they are attracted to them.
  7. 7
    Eat. If you are self conscious about your weight, hashing out that insecurity by forgoing a meal in front of the person you like is not the right thing to do. It makes people uneasy when the person they are with is basically watching them eat.
  8. 8
    Keep yourself clean and trimmed. Clearly, you wouldn't want a smelly trash monster in your bed, so don't be a stink factory. Also, if you find yourself a little less than fresh in the wrong place at the right time, freshen up in the bathroom first. Easily explain this to the other person by telling them to "wait" gently.

    • If someone should joke about their hygiene, cut them some slack and joke with them about it to ease the tension.
  9. 9
    Exchange phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Often the hardest thing isn't the "waiting three days" part, it's the time when you need to pop the question.
  10. 10
    Ask the person out again, if it's clear you should take the initiative. You should gauge who needs to do this by your first meeting. Feel out what you have been talking about. Maybe the other person needs to get off the train at the next stop and you've been talking for the past 15 minutes on your way to work. In that case, ask them if you can call sometime. However, maybe you just bumped into someone at the bar and chatted for a few minutes; in that case give them your number and tell them you'd like to go out sometime. The difference is always in the comfort level you and that person have established. Obviously asking someone you barely know for their number is awkward for both of you, but if you've had enough time to build a decent connection then it's easier for the other person to give up those precious digits.
  11. 11
    Never say "nothing" if a guy asks what your interests are. Don't say "eh nothing". Talk about it. He obviously wants to know. Even if it's something extraordinary, don't make a fuss about it. For example, I personally am an intense oil painter and art is my life. People tell me I should get into modeling because I'm tall and thin. I could tell him this, but he'll think I'm a bragger. I would then say "well I'm an oil painter. I'm also trying to get into modeling but I mainly focus on art." BAM. He'll ask questions
  12. 12
    Make plans. This might sound totally crazy, but in the initial few weeks of dating it's nice to know there is a regular schedule that the two of you can count on. If you feel brave, call the person and ask them what they are doing a few days ahead of the "date day" and then tell them something came up and reschedule. Only do this if you need to build tension. Exercise common sense; but at the same time, this gets the other person stewing if they really wanted to see you in the first place.

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